Full Stack Bioinformatics

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Our Services

Bioinformatic Solutions

Web App development

Microbiome Analytics

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Our Portfolio

A selection of bioinformatic web apps for online data analysis and visualization


Visualization of -omics profiles on interactive biological ontologies. >>



Gut meta-omics data analysis and visualization in one GO >>


Microbiome cohort analytics and interactive visualization

Who we are


Youssef Darzi

Youssef is a bioinformatician with 15 years of experience. As Head of Bioinformatics at a top Japanese genetic testing firm, he led various critical projects, such as a clinical WGS pipeline, co-designing an Asian Ancestry kit, and streamlining and automating their bioinformatics processes. Youssef co-developed iPath3 and Functree2 while a PostDoc at the Yamada Lab (Tokyo Tech). During his PhD at the lab of Jeroen Raes (KU Leuven / VUB), he worked on gut microbiome multi-omics integration, and pioneered biome-specific analysis of meta-omics data through GOmixer, the GMMs and the GBMs.

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We are intelligence in action.

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